EDC formed part of the design team appointed by Morgan Sindall to provide MEP Engineering Services to the Beal High School.
The existing School was expanded to create an additional 840 student places within the £17 million development. The 9400m² new-build consisted of new general and specialised teaching spaces, a learning resource centre, an assembly hall and a sports hall.
The new building has been designed to BREEAM Excellent rating and set new benchmarks for sustainability in education, including features such as rainwater harvesting, photovoltaic cells and a combined heat and power plant.
The design process was carried out utilising BIM principles with full collaboration from all team members.
The EDC Design project team was praised by the client for our proactive approach & responsiveness to changes in the brief, providing a cost-effective design for an energy-efficient school.
Challenges and Results
Ensuring a BREEAM Excellent Primary School while ensuring an efficient and timely solution with our partners.
By generating heat and power simultaneously, the use of a CHP can reduce carbon emissions by up to 30 per cent compared to conventional heat and power generation via boilers and power stations.
The project uses Building Information Modelling (BIM), which helps to reduce waste of materials and increase profits through time saved.
Not only did the BIM software reduce the amount of waste from the site, but it also sped up the installation which in turn increased profitability.