


Linn Consulting






EDC were awarded mechanical and electrical design of Southwark District Heating Room for SELCHP Power Plant in Deptford. Southwark Council published a detailed proposal to capture heat which is normally released into the environment from South East London Combined Heat & Power Plant (SELCHP). This would be piped in directly to the boiler houses that serve 3000 homes in the area. The SELCHP plant produces both heat & power but until now the heat has not been utilised. There are only a handful of similar district heating schemes in the UK and the Southwark Scheme is the first such plant in London.

  • EDC carried out a mechanical design of the district heating plant room in the power plant, which entailed capturing waste heat from the electricity generation process and utilising it as a means of primary energy for the district heating system.
  • The waste heat was captured on large heat exchangers and transferred to a pipework network with gas fired boilers as back-up in periods of inactivity on the process side.
  • EDC provided a full electrical design for the plant room which included a controls strategy and design for implementing by a specialist controls contractor for such plants.

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