De-Risk Your Project With Our Underfloor Heating MEP Checklist.

Make sure you don’t miss anything whilst specifying your underfloor heating System by using our handy checklist.

This checklist has been designed by EDC to highlight the common pitfalls and scope gaps that often occur.

Using this checklist for your next design will ensure you design the perfect layout for the building that will make the entire construction process run smoothly and you can be confident MEP design has been properly accounted for.


  • To ensure any remote sensors are coordinated with the interior specialists, is there a strategy
    for temperature sensing other than wall mounted stats?
  • Has the type of heating thermostat been confirmed with the client/Architect?
  • Has the floor finish been correctly considered in the UFH design?
  • Has the floor make-up been correctly considered in the UFH design?
  • Is the primary energy system designed to supply correct temperature water?



  • Has the underfloor heating build-up been approved by the design team?
  • Has the architect allowed sufficient space for manifolds?
  • Are recesses required for manifolds?


Feel free to use and share with your colleagues.

If you have any questions of difficulty in filling out this form please feel free to contact any of our key staff members below, or alternatively you can send an email to and we will respond to your query.

Have you downloaded our BMS Checklist? You can download it HERE


Please note: EDC takes no liability for any company using this risk assessment template which leads to an enforcement action being taken as a result of significant fire safety deficiencies found during an audit.